Having a crappy day.


Pay it forward….


Great day…

What a great day…I started it with my granddaughter. We ate breakfast together and now off to the store. I look forward to every time I see her as she is changing some much, growing, saying words and has such a great personality. She get so excited when she sees me and cries when I leave. She give the best hugs and one of the words she says now is Mimi. She truly is a gift from God. Tonight will be a nice dinner and then to see one of my all time favorite movies “Dirty Dancing” on the big screen. I am so blessed, as I have friends that are so good to me. I will enjoy the movie but a part of me will be a little sad, as I wish my mom could come with us, instead of being stuck in a nursing home. I know she would have loved it, since it’s her favorite too. Hope everyone had a great weekend, did things that made them happy and spent it with great people.

Good news…

Well today I had my follow up visit with my pulmonologist and great news, all is good! I still have to continue treatments and meds for ten more days, as a preventative measure. Also, he has agreed to be my primary doctor, so he can monitor my lungs, everything else and make it easier for me, by having one doctor. I miss going with my friend to her bible study group tonight, but my friend took me for a late dinner, to celebrate. He told me, he was also going to get me tickets to see my boy Johnny Mellencamp, but he’s sold out. I will admit, I am a bit disappointed, but I am healthy and on the road to becoming healthier, so I’ll take that. My friend and I are starting a new low carb, low sugar diet, I can go back to the gym, do the bike and walk on the treadmill. Baby steps, one day at a time and I will get there. Life is good.

Ask me…

I always say I am an open book…so with that said I invite my readers to ask me anything and I will answer as honestly, as I can.

Try something new….

Last Thursday night, I tried something for the first time, I went to a Bible study group. A friend of mine goes to a Bible study group and is always telling me about it. Last week I just felt like something was missing, but couldn’t figure out what. It was my friend’s birthday, so I asked her if I could go. I wasn’t sure if it was my thing, but felt it couldn’t hurt to try it. I drove with my friend’s daughter to the person’s house, where the group meets. When I arrived they were playing Christian music, it was nice and relaxing. I really didn’t pay attention to the words, rather the soft soothing music. After it was done many people commented on the message in the song. I was lost, as like I said, I didn’t focus on the words rather the music. The gentleman running the group started with a prayer and then one by one people took turns reading from the Bible. When they had read the section of the Bible they were focusing on that night, they broke it down, as to the meaning, verse by verse. I really liked it, as they related it to every day life. They talked about how perfection is not possible, as we are all imperfect in some way. They talked about how no one is without sin. They talked about how, as much as we try to do the right thing, from time to time we are tempted and we don’t always. They use an example of a 55 MPH speed limit, how almost all of us at one time or another have gone over the speed limit and we justify it by saying things like, I can’t be late or I’m not going 80 MPH like that car. I could relate, as we all do sin in some way or another, whether it’s a little, like going slightly over the speed limit or more like the guy doing 80 MPH. Some of us try and justify it. This all comes back to none of us are perfect, we try to be the best we can be, but from time to time we aren’t. Their was also people in the group that interpreted some verses different than another and therefore, differed on the meaning. They respected one another’s opinion, some even commented how they never thought of it that way, but now that they said it, it made sense to them.

They had cupcakes for my friend’s birthday, after the group. I was able to talk to the people in the group. They were very nice people and I truly enjoyed myself. I always say I will try most things once and again if I like and enjoy it.

Back to work tomorrow…

Well it’s been a little over five weeks, since I have been at work and return tomorrow. I had pneumonia in my left lung and was in the hospital for eight days, on oxygen, breathing treatments, many IV medications and going through many tests. I have to say after five weeks with no check, still waiting on disability and my checking account looking bleak, I am looking forward to going back to work and getting a pay check in two weeks. The end of last week and this weekend, I started to feel like my old self. I’m still tired, but I’m sure once I get back to my normal routine, I will feel much better. I took this time to do my poem book, gathered all my poems, designed the cover, have an ISBN number and of course my Microsoft word subscription ran out. My daughter has it on her computer at school, so I forwarded her all them and in her spare time she is formatting them for me. A little set back, but soon enough it will be published and online for sale. I will admit I’m a little disappointed, as I missed out again this semester on going back and finishing my degree. This semester I was going to take my electives, an art class and some writing classes. These little set back will not stop me, I just keep going, as long as I do I will get there. The writer of the Harry Potter series was broke, no money and next thing she was famous and making money. I love to write, so whether I make money or not I’m doing something I enjoy. Good night to all and hope everyone has a great week.