Why are we a society of throw away partners?


What is wrong with people!


Having a crappy day.


Check it out….


All things must come to an end…

I started this blog as a way to vent, share and write. I have enjoyed most of it, but think it’s time to move on. I will be starting a new blog about every day life and challenges of working full time, attending school full time, putting a daughter through college, trying to budget it all, all on my own. I am a very strong and independent woman, because that’s how my mother raised me to be, plus I had very strong female role models growing up. Thanks to all the readers and I look forward to the next chapter of my writing.

Things aren’t always as they seem…

There is a scene in Dirty Dancing when Mr. Kellerman thinks Johnny stole Moe’s wallet. Baby admits she was with him. Vivian lied saying she saw Johnny because he turned her down.

Life is the same way, people judge, lie and assume, when they don’t know all the facts. People judge you for where you came from or by what they define as your class of people. People chose a person because they make them look good, not because they love them. People are with someone their family and friends would approve, as they are the same religion or social class. Baby’s father would rather have seen her with Kellerman’s grandson Neil who thought he was the catch of the county, because of his grandfather, than with Johnny, as he wasn’t their class of people. Robbie acted so sweet and innocent and he wasn’t. Lisa only wanted him because he was going to be a doctor, yet Robbie only acted interested in Lisa, for a letter of reference, from her father, who was a doctor. I saw something today that said the sad truth is so many are in love and not together and so many are together and not in love. I have found this to be so sad yet true. This makes me sad, because I was in a miserable marriage for 18 long years, I ended it and wish I would have done so much sooner! Life is to short to be with someone you don’t love and to love someone and not be with them. So be together with someone you love and don’t worry what other will say or think. It’s your life and no one has the right to tell you who or what makes you happy!

Ask me…

I always say I am an open book…so with that said I invite my readers to ask me anything and I will answer as honestly, as I can.

Open and Honest

How is it you can talk to someone you have known for years or a lifetime and feel like you don’t know them, but talk to someone else for the first time and feel like you have known them your whole life. Are they a charmer or con artist? Are they for real or not? Everyone has a past, but not everyone is forth coming with their past. I’m not saying the first time you talk or even meet, but after a few dates I think if it’s something of importance you should share. I am a person who is a open book and feel why waste someone’s time or mine. One guy I met was very up front, told me he lost his job, was losing his house, was going to buy a van and go from friend to friends house living in his van in their driveway. As I appreciated his honesty, that meeting lasted thirty minutes and I was out. I’m glad he was so up front with all that information, although I’m not sure he felt the same way. I don’t ask for much, I don’t care the size of your bank account, but at least have one. I don’t care if you are retired, so that’s why you don’t work, but not having a job doesn’t work for me. I don’t care if you rent a room, life in a family members basement, but at least have a place to live. I don’t want someone who is dating, so they can find their next place to live. I don’t need to be taken to a fancy restaurant, a picnic, a quiet dinner at home, etc, works for me, but if all you can afford is the dollar menu, that doesn’t work for me. I want someone with a big heart, is a gentleman and treats me like a lady. A nice walk along the beach, watching the sunset, a home cooked meal and a movie cuddled on the couch, as it’s not where you are or what you are doing, but who you are with. I’m not shallow, I get it some weeks you don’t have as much money as another, but if you can never afford to go out, that doesn’t work for me. It’s 2019 and I don’t mind splitting the bill or taking turns paying, once we are in a relationship. If you ask me out, I’m a little old fashion in that respect, I feel a gentleman pays. I myself live on a budget, but I’m not willing to blow my budget on someone that doesn’t treat me like a priority, can never take me out and is looking to move in with me. Sorry for now I like living on my own and having my alone time. Again, once in a committed relationship staying over his place or him staying at my place from time to time. Some day will I like living with someone, maybe, but for now, I like my own space.

Why I Started This…

I started this blog as I was turning to social media to vent. This was not my finest hour, which I regret every day. Someone suggested I start a blog, so I did. I have not shared this blog with my family, as it’s way to personal and some things may shock them. I have only shared it with a few very close friends. Some have found my blog, as they are blog readers. I don’t write about just one thing, but whatever I am in the mood to write, when I am in the mood to write. My daughter has written a few posts on her point of view. Some have been offended by what I have written, some have thought it was about them. I can say with 100% honesty that sometimes friends share a story or stories with me and have actually told me to write about it in my blog. Sometimes I have shared poems or stories that I have written years ago, some while I was still married. There is no rhyme or reason or time line to my blog. When reading my blog keep in mind it could be something that happen last year, ten years ago or yesterday to me or a friend. Also, some blog posts are a fantasy I wish would have happened to me or a friend shared. Any time I write about a friend, it is with their permission I have posted the entry. My blog isn’t for everyone and to be quite honest, I don’t care if no one reads it, as it is for me and a way to vent and express myself. I have heard from readers thanking me for sharing, as it didn’t make them feel alone, or gave them the strength to take that step and move on. So thanks for reading.