Why are we a society of throw away partners?


What is wrong with people!


Check it out….


All things must come to an end…

I started this blog as a way to vent, share and write. I have enjoyed most of it, but think it’s time to move on. I will be starting a new blog about every day life and challenges of working full time, attending school full time, putting a daughter through college, trying to budget it all, all on my own. I am a very strong and independent woman, because that’s how my mother raised me to be, plus I had very strong female role models growing up. Thanks to all the readers and I look forward to the next chapter of my writing.

Ask me…

I always say I am an open book…so with that said I invite my readers to ask me anything and I will answer as honestly, as I can.

Back to work tomorrow…

Well it’s been a little over five weeks, since I have been at work and return tomorrow. I had pneumonia in my left lung and was in the hospital for eight days, on oxygen, breathing treatments, many IV medications and going through many tests. I have to say after five weeks with no check, still waiting on disability and my checking account looking bleak, I am looking forward to going back to work and getting a pay check in two weeks. The end of last week and this weekend, I started to feel like my old self. I’m still tired, but I’m sure once I get back to my normal routine, I will feel much better. I took this time to do my poem book, gathered all my poems, designed the cover, have an ISBN number and of course my Microsoft word subscription ran out. My daughter has it on her computer at school, so I forwarded her all them and in her spare time she is formatting them for me. A little set back, but soon enough it will be published and online for sale. I will admit I’m a little disappointed, as I missed out again this semester on going back and finishing my degree. This semester I was going to take my electives, an art class and some writing classes. These little set back will not stop me, I just keep going, as long as I do I will get there. The writer of the Harry Potter series was broke, no money and next thing she was famous and making money. I love to write, so whether I make money or not I’m doing something I enjoy. Good night to all and hope everyone has a great week.

Why I Started This…

I started this blog as I was turning to social media to vent. This was not my finest hour, which I regret every day. Someone suggested I start a blog, so I did. I have not shared this blog with my family, as it’s way to personal and some things may shock them. I have only shared it with a few very close friends. Some have found my blog, as they are blog readers. I don’t write about just one thing, but whatever I am in the mood to write, when I am in the mood to write. My daughter has written a few posts on her point of view. Some have been offended by what I have written, some have thought it was about them. I can say with 100% honesty that sometimes friends share a story or stories with me and have actually told me to write about it in my blog. Sometimes I have shared poems or stories that I have written years ago, some while I was still married. There is no rhyme or reason or time line to my blog. When reading my blog keep in mind it could be something that happen last year, ten years ago or yesterday to me or a friend. Also, some blog posts are a fantasy I wish would have happened to me or a friend shared. Any time I write about a friend, it is with their permission I have posted the entry. My blog isn’t for everyone and to be quite honest, I don’t care if no one reads it, as it is for me and a way to vent and express myself. I have heard from readers thanking me for sharing, as it didn’t make them feel alone, or gave them the strength to take that step and move on. So thanks for reading.

Disability what a joke!

I worked for government, so I understand there is only so much you can do, forms have to be filled out and processed. I filled for disability before I left the hospital, almost four weeks ago. I did it online, as that is the quicker way, haha what a joke. My doctor and employer filled out their part online, within days of me being released. I check my status Friday and it tells me I need to call. I tried Friday afternoon, you don’t get a chance to decide if you want to hold, the message says “all agents are busy right now and due to the high call volume please try back at a later time” and it disconnects you. I tried all day yesterday and finally today I got through and was told I had a 7-10 minute hold at 12:47pm. At 1:09pm an agent greeted me. I don’t care if I had to wait all day to talk to someone. She asks for all my information, I explain it advised when I checked my claim status, I needed to call. She then advises me that instead of the normal two weeks (BULLSHIT) it is going to take four to six weeks to get a check. Are you F ing kidding me!!! I wasted all that time when they could have posted a message about the supposed delay in claims. No wonder agents are overwhelmed! They are wasting the agents time on calls, when they could have posted a message on the site. And the poor people on disability that are waiting on a check, like myself, with no income, what the hell are they suppose to do. Her attitude was basically, oh well not my problem. I am lucky to have understanding utility companies. I am scheduled to go back to work Monday and probably will receive a paycheck before a disability check. Yes I will be writing to our governor, something has to change! I think about the person who doesn’t have any savings, any family and is waiting on a disability check and probably starving. I am blessed!