Why are we a society of throw away partners?


What is wrong with people!


Having a crappy day.


Pay it forward….


Check it out….


For All People Living Everyday


All things must come to an end…

I started this blog as a way to vent, share and write. I have enjoyed most of it, but think it’s time to move on. I will be starting a new blog about every day life and challenges of working full time, attending school full time, putting a daughter through college, trying to budget it all, all on my own. I am a very strong and independent woman, because that’s how my mother raised me to be, plus I had very strong female role models growing up. Thanks to all the readers and I look forward to the next chapter of my writing.

Today’s dating world

In the world of dating today, online dating seems to be the most popular. Most men and women seem to want a strong financially independent partners. Some don’t care about money so much, yet don’t want someone in financial debt. Some are due to doing the right thing by their children, no fault of their own and some just because they are financially irresponsible. You don’t want the financially irresponsible person, of course, because they most likely always will be. It is nice when you meet an old fashion gentleman that doesn’t mind paying for a woman’s dinner, how big or small her bank account is or what they can and can’t afford. They care more about the beautiful person she is inside and out. They care if they can laugh together, enjoy each other’s company and how sweet she is. It is refreshing to find someone like this in today’s world. It’s nice also to find someone that enjoys the simple things, like a walk along the beach, a picnic on the beach watching the sunset and just enjoying each other’s company. It’s nice to find someone that can afford the finer things, yet appreciates the simple priceless things in life. Everyone is entitled to have what they want, but bigger isn’t always better. 😉